Nicotine Dependence (Tobacco Use Disorder) Nicotine is highly addictive — some say it’s as addictive as cocaine, heroin and alcohol. Using nicotine just one time puts you at risk of becoming dependent on the drug because of its immediate effect on your brain. There are several treatments that can help you quit. What is nicotine […]


“One in three adults has engaged in binge drinking at least once in the previous month, and one in five teenagers has experienced drunkenness by age 15. Harmful patterns of alcohol consumption have far-reaching consequences for individuals, society and the economy. Using microsimulation modelling, this book analyses the cost of alcohol consumption in 52 countries […]

Practice Safe Energy

What’s the latest buzz on energy drinks? The buzz on energy drinks – Mayo Clinic Health System About 90% of adults consume caffeine every day, making it the most common stimulant in the world. Widely available sources of caffeine include coffee, green and black tea, soft drinks, “energy shots,” over-the-counter supplements, energy or protein bars, sports and […]

Getting What You Want

What are you willing to give? At what Cost will you surrender your Future? DRUGS….. seek to Steal, Kill and Devastate your Life….. even the life of your Loved Ones! Call the Stand in the Gap Coalition….. let’s talk about these “CHOICES” before there is no more Choice for You!

Are You Sabotaging Your Life? Drugs Unknown?

“One Pill Kills’…… by line of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)….. How do they know this is so…. 2022 107,000 Americans died from a Lethal Drug Overdose. 70% of the deaths were from Fentanyl….. many times this most potent of drugs is hidden within another type pill…. Zanex, Pecotte, etc. The unspecting user dies within […]

Vaping – A False Savior!

Why Breath in a Vaporized liquid that you have No Idea what is the real content without having a Lab Analysis. Inhaling/Breathing (VAPING) one capsule(pod) of Nicotine is the same as smoking 2 packs of cigarettes. EVALI (E-cigarette, Vaping and Lung Injury) is the Medical Definition for the human physical results of Vaping….. “Lung Injury” […]

Healing in the Air…. Are you looking?

Addiction is a process that controls the human being….. physically, emotionally and spiritually. Simple definition…. “It controls Me… and, I am not in control” Call the Stand in the Gap Coalition (SIGCO)…. find a source that cares for your Safety, Health and Wellbeing! Let us walk the Journey of Recovery with you….. Personal and Professional, […]